Home Page – Plenary Sessions – Parallel Sessions – Abstract Submission

September 13-18, 2021 – “Distributed” Remote Mode
Plenary Sessions : Reggio Calabria, September 13-14, 2021
“Distributed” Parallel Sessions : September 15-18, 2021
The meeting is organized by the Department of Law, Economics and Human Sciences (DIGIES) of the University of Reggio Calabria.
Although the AMASES 2021 conference is organized in remote mode, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will not be reduced in size:
- Plenary Sessions (Invited Speakers, “Best Paper Award” Special Session, General Assembly) will be organized in remote mode by the DIGIES of the University of Reggio Calabria on September 13th-14th, 2021
- “Distributed” Parallels Sessions will be organized by the willing members on September 15th-18th, 2021
The language of the conference is English.
Attending the event is free. Clearly, the General Assembly is for AMASES members only.
As in the AMASES established tradition, the purpose of the meeting is to stimulate discussion among scholars and practitioners, from Italy and all around the world, on different aspects of Mathematics applied to Economic and Social Sciences.
The scientific program consists of plenary talks and presentations in parallel sessions of contributed papers on:
- Financial Mathematics,
- Decision Theory,
- Mathematics for Economics,
- Actuarial Mathematics,
- Game Theory,
- Optimization and Mathematical Economics.
Scholars interested in giving a talk are invited to submit an abstract.
Scientific Committee
B. Viscolani (President)
M. Ferrara
G. Fusai
M. Gaudenzi
C. Mammana (Vice president)
G. Pacelli
M. Squillante
R. Cambini (General Secretary)
Organizing Committee
M. Ferrara (President)
R. Cambini
T. Ciano
P. Fotia
M. Gangemi
I.R. Laganà
V. Mallamaci
D.S. Merenda
B.A. Pansera
Parallel Sessions Organizers
A. Barbagallo
A. Buratto
M. Chessa
K. Colaneri
A. Consiglio
A. Cretarola
G. D’Inverno
D. Di Caprio
P. Falbo
M. Ferrara
A. Giarlotta
S. Leitner
F. Lillo
R. Maggistro
P. Mazzarisi
L. Mercuri
M. Milasi
B. A. Pansera
C. Pelizzari
P. Pellizzari
A. Petralia
R. Riccardi
E. Rroji
D. Scopelliti
M. Squillante
M. Tolotti
F. Tramontana
M. Tumminello
A. Violi
F. Wall
L. Ziani