The Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences, AMASES in acronym, is an Italian scientific society founded in 1976.

The aim of the Association is to promote research and encourage information and scientific training in relation to the applications of mathematics in the study of Economics, Finance, Insurances, and individual, collective, strategic and business decisions.
It responds to the problems of the social sciences by mathematical models, the study of which makes use of principles, methods and techniques of various branches of mathematics.
AMASES has been publishing a scientific journal since 1978. Until 1999, the masthead was “Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali” (Review of Mathematics for the Economic and Social Sciences) and the journal accepted papers in Italian, English, and French.

In 2000, AMASES expanded the scope of the journal and gave it a more international slant. The title was changed to “Decisions in Economics and Finance: A Journal of Applied Mathematics”, English became the only official language, while publication and technical assistance were entrusted with Springer-Verlag.
The journal is indexed in Scopus (coverage years:1997, from 2000 to 2002, from 2005 to present) and Web of Science (coverage years: from 2015 to present).