The XLIV annual meeting of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences
Palermo, September 17-19, 2020
Conference website: http://amases2020.unipa.it
The XLIV AMASES meeting will take place at the Department of Economics, Business, and Statistics (DSEAS) of the University of Palermo. Interested scholars and practitioners are kindly invited to submit an extended abstract (not a full paper) in PDF format by June 1, 2020.
The extended abstract must contain: title, authors, affiliation (for each author), institution address (for each author), e-mail address (for each author), one to five keywords, and five references at most. The extended abstract must not exceed 2000 characters (spaces included).
The abstract should be written in English and submitted through EasyChair at the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=amases2020
Notification of acceptance will be sent by June 15, 2020.
Registration to the meeting by July 13, 2020, is mandatory for the communication to be included in the final program.
Each speaker can give one talk only.
The early bird registration fee deadline has been fixed at June 29, 2020.
- Abstract submission deadline: June 1, 2020;
- Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2020;
- Early registration: June 29, 2020;
- Late registration: July 13, 2020.