Catania, September 15-17, 2016
The meeting is organized with the support of the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Catania.
As in the AMASES established tradition, the meeting objective is to constitute a discussion forum among scholars and practitioners from Italy and all around the world, working on different aspects of Mathematics applied to Economic and Social Sciences. The three-day scientific program will consist of plenary talks and presentations of contributed papers on Financial Mathematics, Decision Theory, Mathematics for Economics, Actuarial Mathematics, Game Theory, Optimization and Mathematical Economics.
The conference is organized into plenary and parallel sessions. The conference languages are Italian and English.
The invited plenary speakers are
- Marida Bertocchi (University of Bergamo)
- Peter Løchte Jørgensen (University of Aarhus)
- Marcello Pericoli (Bank of Italy)
- Roman Slowinski (Poznan University of Technology and Polish Academy of Science)
- Fernando Vega Redondo (Bocconi University)